Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The beginning of the middle....

So, I signed up for this blog back in January and here I am at the end of December finally starting. I used to just email myself my thoughts - because if I didn't get them out on paper (or virtual paper these days) I thought I might actually go crazy...crazier.

This blog is going to be about my sweet little imperfect family. But it is mainly going to be about the journey my family travels in regards to one of my little angels, Cody. Cody is many things...many wonderful, wonderful things. But this blog is about the mystery that is Cody. I have so many feelings and thoughts that I have to process and so many questions that need to be answered. A lot of times people start with, "I hope I don't offend you by asking...." I am NEVER offended. I am so proud of both of my children and especially proud that the good Lord trusted in me enough to give me the gift of a special needs child. I need answers, so I share all things.
The reason this is the beginning of the middle is because most everyone knows Cody's story, if you don't, just ask. :) I'm on a serious mission here. A mission to feel a little bit of release when I get the words out - when I get my thoughts out - when I share the milestones, the victories and even the heartbreaks. Something to share with Cody and Cooper when they are older - they are amazing kids and I want to be able to show them the influence they have had on me.
And most definitely the opportunity to help and hopefully, be helped.
So, here we go! :)